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Hayes Handpiece Sharpening Plan: Discounted Sharpening All XDURA Instruments are Always Sharpened at No Charge! All Other Brands of Scalers & Curettes are discounted 15% off. XDURA Instruments Come with a 20% Trade-In Discount. New XDURA Hygiene Kit Included with Every Plan $385 Value Included in Every Plan with a new XDURA Hygiene Kit mailed upon subscription enrollment
Hayes Handpiece Sharpening Plan $259 Per Year
XDURA Hygiene Kit Includes NMJ Universal Scaler 204S Posterior Scaler Barnhart 5–6 Universal Curette Gracey 11–12 Curette Gracey 13–14 Curette
Subscription Plan will be billed every year unless you cancel the subscription